Here you will find up-to-date information on BCPU's current positions in different asset classes. This information is presented free of charge, but copy traders will be extremely disappointed.
QUITIESSymbol | Shares | Cost | Current Price | Total Return | Target Price | Target Distance | Target Date | Target Status | Reasoning | Opened | Closed | Partner | Faith | Edit |
RYPTOCURRENCYProject | Symbol | Position | Opened | Closed | Return | Reasoning |
Bitcoin | BTC | 4.69 @ $69,000 | At the top | N/A | N/A | Crypto |
THERCompany | Symbol | Type | Position | Opened | Closed | Return | Reasoning |
Ornamental Gourds | N/A | Future | 200 Tons @ $69,000 | Idk | N/A | Delivery | New asset class gaining support from other major investors |
Legal Note: The founders of BCPU® have collectively served over 35 years in the United State's federal prison system for a variety of financial crimes including embezzlement, wire fraud, securities fraud, money laundering, misappropriation of client funds, bribery of a public official, and one count of aggravated assault on a law enforcement officer in the state of New Jersey. BCPU® is required by law to furnish this information to potential clients as pursuent to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission's Regulation of Investment Advisors. BCPU® is an equal opportunity employer.