A Message From 🅱arren E. 🅱uffett, CEO of 🅱erkshire Hathaway Inc.
Dear Reader,
You probably know that I don't provide financial advice. However, I
have two thoughts regarding your personal expenditures that can save you
real money I'm suggesting that you call on the services of two subsidiaries
of 🅱erkshire:
the following video which I personally produced and recommend you watch as many times as you possibly can:
I estimate that about 40% of all investors visiting this site will heed my advice.
The figure is not 100% because some of ya'll are straight up allergic to good advice and wouldn't know it if it bit you on the dick. I believe, however, that some of you will realize that GEICO frequently offers drivers the lowest price available through any national carrier selling auto insurance. An even smaller percentage of you will realize just how dope the above video really is. You can quickly verify this fact for yourself by taking a humongous hit off a shitty homemade grav bong, coughing like a little baby bitch boy for a half hour, and then watching the video again and again until you get it or shit your pants and lose your mind completely.
Sincerely, | |
🅱arren E. 🅱uffett |